Access data-related call timer
• Access data/fax call timers: Press Menu 2-6 (Call log > Data/fax calls)
• Access minibrowser call timers: Press Menu 2-7 (Call log > Minibrowser calls)
Data-related call timer options
The following call timer options are available for data/fax and browser calls:
• Last sent (or received) data/fax - amount of data displayed in kilobytes (KB)
• All sent (or received) data/fax - amount of data displayed in KB
• Duration of last data/fax call - length of time spent on last data call or browser session.
• Duration of all data/fax calls - running total of all calls.
• Clear all data/fax logs - clears all timers and data logs.
Minibrowser timer options
The available options for the minibrowser call timers are similar to those listed above for
data/fax calls.
Duration of all calls
Displays sum total for all incoming and outgoing calls
Life timer
Shows the time used for all calls for the life of the phone.
This option cannot be reset.