SAR 71

[ 93 ]
street address 22
scroll keys 10, 11
scroll through menus 11
security 52
lock keypad 52
phone lock 53
security code 52
security code
changing 52
security settings
call restrictions 54
phone lock 53
service provider
differences 5
signing up 5
service provider, contacting 6
set the ring volume and tone 36
set up
your headset 13
your phone 8
setting time (manual) 38
setting time (network) 38
shortcuts 12
software download 63
spaces, entering 16
special characters 16
specify a primary number 21
standard travel charger 74
start screen
about 9
indicators 9
starting a game 62
strings, touch tone 50
switch on your phone 9
symbols, inserting 18